21 Des 2010

Beringharjo Market Not Far From The Street Malioboro

Although the official market closes at 17.00 pm, but the dynamics of traders do not stop at that hour. The front of the market still offers a range of typical comestible. Martabak with various contents, bright moon is legit mixed chocolate and nuts, and Klepon delicious sugar content can be purchased each evening. Approximately at 18.00 pm till past midnight, there are usually warm in front of the market sellers are also offering kikil and variants oseng-oseng. While eating, you can listen to the Javanese traditional music played or talk with the seller who usually greeted with the familiar. Complete.

Beringharjo Market Area was originally a forest of banyan trees. Shortly after the founding of the Palace Ngayogyakarta, precisely in 1758, the area was used as a place of economic transactions by residents of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Hundreds of years later, in 1925, then the transaction place had a permanent building. The name 'Beringharjo' itself is given by Hamengkubuwono IX, meaning that the banyan tree (Bering) is expected to provide welfare (Harjo). Now, the tourists markets interpret this as a fun shopping.

Beringharjo market becomes part of Malioboro pity to miss. How not, this market has become a center of economic activity for hundreds of years and its existence has philosophical meaning. Markets that had been renovated many times this represents a stage of human life which is still struggling with its economic needs. In addition, Beringharjo is also one of the pillars of 'Qi Single' (consisting of the Palace, North Square, the Palace, and Market Beringharjo) symbolizing the economic functionality.

When you want to buy batik, Beringharjo is the best place for a complete collection of batik. Start batik cloth and ready made garments, raw cotton to silk, and the price of tens of thousands to nearly a million available in this market. Collection of batik cloth found in the western part of the market stalls to the north. While the collection of batik clothing found in almost all western markets. In addition to batik clothes, western part of the market stalls also offer clothes surjan, blangkon, and weaving and batik sarong. Sandals and handbags are sold at low prices can be found around the western part of the market escalator.

The front and back of the market building to the west is a great place to indulge tongue with snacks. In the north the front, can be found Brem round with a softer texture than Brem Madison and krasikan (such lunkhead from rice flour, palm sugar, and crushed sesame seeds). In the south, can be found bakpia content of green beans are usually sold still warm and moist cake like hung kwe and nagasari. While the back is generally sells long-lasting snacks like ting-ting made of caramel mixed nuts.

Walking to the second floor east part of the market, do not be surprised if jejamuan smell. The place was a sales center Javanese herbal ingredients and spices. Medicinal turmeric sold for example commonly used to make sour turmeric and ginger are used to make herbal medicine known to be very bitter. Spices offered is ginger (usually processed into a round of drinks or just baked, boiled and mixed with rock sugar) and wood (used to enrich the flavor of beverages such as wedang ginger, coffee, tea and sometimes used instead of chocolate powder on cappuccino).

This market is also a great place to hunt for antiques. Sentra sales of antiques are on the 3rd floor east part of the market. There, you can find an old typewriter, helmet made in the 60's whose front has a mica limited to the nose and so forth. On the same floor, you can hunt for quality used items if you want. Various kinds of imported second-hand goods such as shoes, bags, even clothes are sold at prices far cheaper than the original price with quality that is still good. Sure need a flair in choosing.

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